Our Activities
SDM Kandy-50 years of excellence
- Chartered Accountants.
- Book keeping and Accounting assignments.
- Tax consultation.
- Audit assignments. (internal & external)
- Company Secretarial and Incorporation work.
- Electronic/ Computerized Book-Keeping and ERP support services.
- Business Incubators, Consultation and Advisory assignments.
- Due-Diligence, Feasibility Studies, and other business assignments on new ventures.
- Electronic Documentation archiving services
- ‘Last Will’ coordinators and advisory services.
What we do ?
Business cannot grow without a real plan and without a clear strategy. Thus, our proven value and growth system provides our clients with shared vision and renewed focus on profitability and stability.
SDM Kandy Chartered Accountants – External Auditors – are here to support any individual or business are independent of the organisation we are auditing. We report to the company’s shareholders/owners. We provide our experienced opinion on the truthfulness and fairness of the company’s financial statements and perform work on a test basis to monitor systems in place.
Our Internal audits are conducted throughout the year, while as external auditors, we conduct a single annual audit.
Our standard Corporate Secretary service package includes:
- Preparation for full set of AGM documents and filing Annual Return with Department of Inland Revenue.
- Preparation and maintenance minutes of meetings of Directors and Shareholders, drafting up standard directors resolutions
- Custody and maintenance of the Company’s statutory registers, minute books and other statutory records
- Assistance to the Auditors in their annual statutory review of the Company’s secretarial records
- Electronic Documentation archiving services
Our management consulting services focus on our clients' most critical issues and opportunities: strategy, organization, operations, technology, transformation, digital, advanced analytics, corporate finance, mergers & acquisitions and sustainability across all industries and geographies.
We bring deep, functional expertise, but are known for our holistic perspective: we capture value across boundaries and between the silos of any organization. We have proven a multiplier effect from optimizing the sum of the parts, not just the individual pieces.
We have designed and implemented profound business transformations with our clients. We deliver business results at speed and with efficiently while still managing any risks on the way. For any business, change should not always be hectic. Transformation is good and in order to build the future of any business, taking bold moves and tough decisions is always necessary.
SDM offers a full range of advisory services to help entrepreneurs address challenges with a team of experienced advisors focused on businesses that are seeking accelerated growth and further grow, and become more productive and improve their management capabilities while meeting the unique needs of each client.
Our services include conducting feasibility studies and due diligence exercises for Individual and private sector clients, including private partnerships in any business line, including closure of an entity/department, or the restructuring of a function / department.
Our feasibility studies are used to determine strategic and operational benefits to our clients, identify methods of financing, establish value for money, and determine the impact of initiatives in relation to our clients’ budget.
Business incubators nurture the development of entrepreneurial companies, helping them survive and grow during the start-up period, when they are most vulnerable.
SDM Business Incubator Services includes;
- Shared premises with state of the art board room and IT facilities to Assist small firms during start-up period.
- Business advice to assist SMEs in the use of their resources in more efficient ways,
- Business services to link up with well-educated technical and scientific personnel to implement their knowledge.
- Serve as a network integrating:
- high tech industries
- Private SME organizations
- other related organizations such as Chamber of Commerce etc . . .
- Mentoring, and providing temporary/part time staff assistance for start-up operations.
The firm is currently equipped with a well experienced staff and a strong IT infra-structure to cater all needs covering the above areas to our long lasting clientele which spans across Sri Lanka.
Our new product and services include;
- Business incubation services
- Archiving and maintenance services for Confidential documentation
Last Will coordinators and prepares via our sister company ‘My Last Will (Pvt) Limited’